The brochure, which is literally known as a booklet, is indispensable for advertising and promotion services both in terms of usage areas and cost; It is one of the most effective materials in terms of easily attracting people's attention. With a brochure that fully serves its purpose, it is possible to reach the desired goal in a short time, and there are some issues to be considered.
Broşür Nedir?
What is Brochure? When it is asked what is a brochure, it is defined as a book or booklet with very few pages in the dictionary. When we look beyond the dictionary meaning of the brochure in the field of advertising, it will be seen that it is not possible to define this word briefly. Because with these few pages of books or booklets, people have been performing many important functions such as promoting their new business, expanding their existing business, and increasing their brand awareness for a long time. Brochures, which are basically created by printing the elements to be promoted and advertised in booklets consisting of one or several pages, are still considered as the most effective and appropriate advertising method.
For What Purposes Is the Brochure Used?
When the brochure is mentioned, the question of what purpose the brochure is used comes to mind. Brochures can be used to announce the opening of your company that you have opened in a newly entered business line. It is of course possible for all kinds of campaigns to be announced and delivered to more people through brochures. Thanks to the brochures in which job change and discount notifications can be announced, moves can be made easily to increase the brand's recognition. In short, the scope and purpose of the brochure are too many to count.
How to Turn a Brochure into an Effective Promotional Material?
When the brochure is mentioned, another question that comes to mind is how the brochure can be turned into an effective promotional material. This is completely related to the purpose for which the brochure will be used and who it wants to address. It should be nothing more than delusional to expect too much from a brochure that is printed in an ordinary and aimless way. Almost all stages of idea, design, printing and distribution are of great importance for the expected return from the brochure. Necessary importance and sensitivity should be given to each step. The steps to be followed in making such a brochure can be listed as follows:
First of all, the thought stage must be carried out in a longitudinal direction. It is also beneficial to conduct the necessary feasibility study for the object, product or line of business to be promoted. In addition, the correct determination of the requested element and target audience also contributes to the idea generation stage.
Significantly created typeface and visuality are among the issues that should be given utmost importance in brochure design. The visuals chosen in a way that will not attract attention and in the direction of what is wanted to be told are among the prominent criteria in design. The combination of contrasting colors in the brochure or a brochure with unnecessary and disturbing colors can lead people or companies away from the targeted point. An impressive and attractive visual must be used on the front of the brochures, especially in folded brochures.
The paper you will use must be determined correctly. Weight, size, gloss and texture; It is seen as the issues that need to be decided at the printing stage and that greatly affect the brand quality of the company. It will not be possible to prevent the cheap brochure printing made on poor quality paper from negatively affecting the brand quality of the company.
Another element that is as important as the other details of the brochure is the issue of brochure distribution. Distribution should be carried out at the right time and by choosing the channels that the right target audience uses heavily.